ACS Public Speaking is always a thoroughly entertaining and thought provoking evening. Please join us and support our wonderful speakers. Details for the evening are below:
2017 Host: Westbourne Grammar School
Date: Monday 28 August 2017
Time: 5.00 pm – 7.45 pm
Venue: Westbourne Grammar School, 300 Sayers Rd, Truganina
Parking: Please enter via Marquands Road, Truganina and immediately turn right into the car park adjacent the soccer field.
To encourage audience numbers and to enable both staff and students to hear all of the speeches, the evening will run in three parts. All students and all staff are encouraged to be there from the start of the evening regardless of when they may be participating. It would be appreciated if they could also stay for the duration of the competition. This will reduce movement and maximise the audience. Punctuality is essential if the time-frame is to work.
Format of the Evening:
5.00pm – Registration
5.15pm – Welcome
5.20pm – Senior School Speakers
ONE speaker from either year 11 or year 12 is to represent each school. The speech will be of 5 minutes duration. A bell will be rung at four and a half minutes and two rings at five minutes. Students may complete the sentence after two rings, but they may not continue after this.
5.55pm – Adjudicators consideration/Refreshments
6.05 pm – Adjudicators will give brief feedback, and then senior results will be announced by the Chairperson and senior section trophy and individual trophy presented, with a medallion each for second and third place to also be presented.
6.10 pm – Junior School Speakers
ONE speaker from either year 7 or year 8 is to represent each school. The speech will be of 3 minutes duration. A bell will be rung at two and a half minutes and two rings at three minutes. Students may complete the sentence after two rings, but they may not continue after this.
6.35 pm – Adjudicators consideration/Refreshments
6.45 pm – Adjudicators will give brief feedback, but results will not be announced until the end of the evening.
6.50 pm – Middle School Speakers
ONE speaker from either year 9 or year 10 is to represent each school. The speech will be of 4 minutes duration. A bell will be rung at three and a half minutes and two rings at four minutes. Students may complete the sentence after two rings, but they may not continue after this.
7.20 pm – Adjudicators consideration/Refreshments
7.30 pm Adjudicators will give brief feedback
7.35 pm Announcement of all the Results in the junior and middle sections section (from seventh up to first place). A perpetual trophy for first place in each section will be presented and an individual replica trophy for each section winner, with a medallion each for second and third place to also be presented.
7.40 pm Thanks and Close
Please join us for another entertaining night of speeches from our talented and charismatic speakers.